Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why College?

I chose college because from an early age everyone I knew always said the same thing, go to college. So I took their advice and here I am, but not until around my sophmore year in high school did I ever understand why people I looked to as role models said for me to go to college. You can get a more prestigious job with a higher education. Having this "degree" will help open doors that would have remained closed without said degree. Plus it is proven that a higher degree allows for one to make more money and the only place to get a degree is college. College prepares you to get a job that you want to do for the rest of your life. I want to work for NASA or Boeing so they probably would not hire someone that has no experience in that field or knowledge of it. A degree enables you to have the training and the schooling required.

I love college and everything about it but I would like to bring out one point that might be offensive to some. In my opinion if you go to college for a career that there are no jobs then you waste around four years of your time and thousands of dollars. In the current day we live in math, science, engineering, and medical degrees are the only ones that mean anything. I know someone that went to The University of Alabama and majored in communications. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that person couldn't find a job for that degree and is now working at Academy for minimum wage. Four years costs around $50,000 so it would take an extremely long time to pay off student loans and debt. So unless you know 100% there will be a job in your field it would almost be smarter to not go to college. 


  1. The college experience gives a student necessary applications to expand their intelligence. College helps the student become better prepared for the higher skill level jobs such as working for NASA or BOEING. With the training and exercising of knowledge the student knows when to best apply each skill to the problems at hand.

  2. You think just like I do! Thats why I just can not decide what I want to major in because I'm scared i'll pick a field that has no jobs!

  3. I completely agree with what you said about people majoring in a field that doesn't have many job opportunities. One of the plus sides of my major is there will always be a need for them. In this day, you almost HAVE to have some type of degree to get any kind of a some what well paying job.

  4. I don't agree with that at all. Yes, you can come to college to get a degree you don't like and work some good paying job you hate for the rest of your life. Or you can go into something you love and will love. There may be no jobs right now but what if there is a time where we need him and no one else has the training because they have been filling these meaningless holes in society. Do something you love not something that pays well.

  5. I see what your saying about getting a degree for a job that has a bad market. But I also think people have a right to study what they are interested in. I see it from both ends of the spectrum.
