Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BAM! What Is college "good" for?


                In today's world there is always the question of why go to college and spend the money for a degree. College is entirely more than just a "degree". According to Mike Rose, college is "not just learning things to make a living, but also learning things to enable you to do things with your life, to enable you to find interests and pursuits that may in some way or another expand the way we see things." You simply cannot find a place like college.


                College is a great way for many doors to be opened for an individual. Andrew Bast said that "Computer science, accounting, marketing-- the purpose of many majors is self-evident. They lead to well-paid jobs and clear-cut career paths. ( One hopes at least.) But comparative literature, classics, and philosophy--according to the new convential wisdom--offer no clear trajectory." College is not all about getting that dream job but taking advantage of your opportunities.

                                                photo credit: HckySo via photo pin cc

Student Debt

                Debt is almost certain while attending college unless you get fortunate enough to receive a scholarship. This can really put you in a bind because without a good paying job it will take a long time to pay it off. Mark Kantrowitz says "it's smart if it's enabling you to invest in your future," Kantrowitz tells NPR's Steve Inskeep. "But if you borrow more than your expected starting salary after you graduate, you're going to struggle to pay your loans." Almost every college graduate has some kind of debt so a good paying job would be a logical solution for this.


                The stress and pressure from student loans can sometimes be so severe that individuals do commit suicide or at least talk about it. This happens in result of spending so much money for degrees that don't have jobs waiting for those grads. Studet loan debt has passed $1 trillion, if that number doesn't scare you then something is wrong. People just are not physically able to pay back the thousands upon thosands required to graduate from school.

                                               photo credit: Max Lib via photo pin cc


  1. You`re posts are always fantastic. Its written very well and is separated so it is easy to read. Your last photo is really eye catching and almost shocking, not to mention it goes along perfectly with the previous paragraph. The only thing I think you could use more of is your own opinion. Other than that your writing is wonderful and I look forward to reading more.

  2. I think you did a good job specifying the certain topics as to why college was important. You worded it all very well, and did a good job with your spacing.

  3. The images were great and had a great deal of meaning. The blog was well written and the title itself caught my eye. The diction demonstrated the emphasis o the meanings within the topic. excellent job and I cant wait to read more.

  4. Overall good job, it wasn't too long while still providing me with plenty of information and keeping me interested. I like that it had a lot of white space. The only thing I want changed is the title but, I'm guessing that's going to be most people's.

  5. wow the whole dept thing was surprising never seen it put down like that
