In today's world people are going to college to obtain skills that will help them with life and their job. To be honest this is a load of crap. College is supposed to help you become a better person by interacting with people with diffferent views than you so you broaden your mind. But does it really accomplish that? College is awesome and a great thing to be a part of, but is it enough?...No.
In many traditional style classes students sit in a lecture and take notes as the professor rambles on about some topic that most people could care less about. After the lecture you go and memorize the material so you can make an "A" on the test and eventually pass the class and get the credit. This is not learning by any stretch of the imagination, all this is is just doing enough to get out of the class. College is supposed to be about finding problems and solving them with tools and skills learned through classes and experiences. This does not seem like college is doing it's job only teaching material. I like being able to know the professor not just be some face in the class and with this style it can never happen. If you don't understand anything you're on your own to learn the material. Scott Young had this same issue and questions college as well.
Maybe it's students fault but college as it looks now is not holding up to par as it once did. Many students go take "boring" classes becuase they are required and don't have anything to do with what they would like as a job. With students doing this it makes them have very little participation with the professors which in turn makes the learning process terrible. College only is good if we view it as so and in today's society not so fast. It seems like college just isn't cutting it. We in America need to relax and stop pushing everybody to go to college. It simply won't be the solution for everybody plus many people make a great living away from the "college life".
photo credit: Infidelic via photopin cc
Even if a college student does graduate the skills needed for marketing and communication are not taught which hinders a graduate from getting a job. A degree is not enough today so having other tools to help get you're name out and for potential employers to see that you are different is the key. Also with today's technology you have to ask yourself will this job be relevant in the future so would help prepare me for this future? Probably not. Trying to find a job today is extremely difficult and hard to come by becuase experience is not given through college. Many companies keep people working past retirement age just becuase of the fear of hiring someone with no experience. So being Financially Poor results from college just not offering enough for people.
College is great but just isn't cutting it. People look for experience and skills before hiring and college does not offer those. College tries to mold people to be better citizens and make a good society but it simply isn't enough. Hopefully by the time I graduate these problems will be fixed or at least on the way to be.
I like your points and I very much agree with the idea of how just getting the credit and going on is not how college is supposed to work. The post was a little difficult to read because of the colors; however, I thought that it was an overall good job.
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog itself. It is very eye catching. I like your ideas and points. You have big strong paragraphs and your post is formatted well. Your picture adds some interest in your post. I think you have a good post overall.