Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are Fearless! "Why College" Remix

                As we have been talking all semester the question is Why College? We have covered almost every possible answer and solution to this. But this answer will and should be different for each and every one of us. This is the best time of a person's life and a time of learning who you are along with learning to become a better person with a college degree. For me experience, education, and something different are the reasons why I chose college.

                Experience is extremely important in today's society. Most people get hired based on merits alone not education. College is great for preparing people for potential jobs and how to work in them. Derek Moody left a great comment from this earlier post. He talked about how college teaches the knowledge needed and the best time to use it for situations. Now anyone can get a job but college enables you to use knowledge to your advantage and not just have to work.


                                         photo credit: WorldIslandInfo.com via photopin cc

                Education is unlike anything else in this world. No one can take it from you and it's priceless. Bobby Fong said ,"College can't serve you well without challenging you to integrate information and skills in ways you haven't before, and to apply the results to problems that may not yield clear and simple answers."  College, unlike any other thing in this world, let's you have a great education while incorporating fun yet intriguing. Louis Menand stated " An intelligent person is open-minded, an outside-the-box thinker, an effective communicator, is prudent, self-critical, consistent." This is important when learning because if this is how you approach college then you will appreciate it more and learn the most you can.

              My last reason of why college is for something different. Everyone has to go through thirteen years of school to be able to go to college. Why on earth would someone go four or more years longer that they have to? I never really liked high-school. The only thing I liked was band. There was never anything I wanted to do or groups I wanted to join. With college there are so many things to do along with school itself. College is very different from what I expected and I am glad for that.

                So my reasons for college are experience, education, and something different. Everyone has different reasons for college and you should stick to them. College is awesome and is something that can never be matched by any other thing in this world. For everyone that goes to college let's all have fun and make the most of our college.


  1. This post is great. I agree fully about the reasons why we are here this is and will forever be a memorable time in our lives and being here truly is a gift. The things that we can learn in college does not necessarily make us smarter than those who don't go to college; all that a college degree does is say that we worked hard for the education that we have received. Great post!

  2. I like how you talked about everyone having different reasons for going to college. I share the same point of view. I also liked how you showed that you are in college for a different reason than most people.

  3. I love the layout of your post! It made it even more interesting to read. I also loved the quote that you used by Bobby Fong. Great Job!

  4. I like how you discussed the everyone's different reason to go to college

  5. I agree with the point you make about college being all about how you approach it. I always try to encourage my students to be problem solvers and to think outside of the box because I know, from experience, how important those skills are in "the real world." Some students just see college as a set of hoops they must jump through to get to where they want to be. But I see college as an experience.
