Well everyone we have made it to the end of this semester...thank goodness. Throughout this semester we have had to write posts on almost every topic of college to help see why we chose college and also help us to become better writers. This has been a completely new but good way of writing. This has helped me to enjoy writing better because we have got to write on a computer instead of writing papers. I have found three strengths through writing this way: forming my ideas easier, connecting to both sides, and the ability to write on whatever topic.
First, forming my ideas has become very easy since I started writing these posts. In my post "What is college good for?" I broke down my post into four points. This helped me to keep the focus on the main point by bringing out supporting arguments. This helped the post flow more smoothly during the entire thing. I have found it easier by breaking things down into smaller topics it makes it easier to write an article.
Second, connecting to both sides was a key in helping me write posts. With all of these questions that we have to answer they could be answered both ways so having an opinion on both sides is the key. In my post Why College? I answered mostly why college but I was easily able to answer why not go to college. I think that having an opinion that could answer either way is very important in not just writing but life in general. If you have a certain mind set and won't allow for question then you won't be able to make the best decisions.
photo credit: Gemma Bou via photopin cc
Third, a strength I have found is the ability to write on whatever topic that is given to me. For the blog post five we had to respond to Share or Die I responded to an article about post-college life. It was hard in my opinion to write a post to respond to it but I did nevertheless. I think that because these posts are so widespread on how you could answer them it helps in answering posts. This post was challenging because there was not a "question" I had to answer but through previous writing I was able to form an opinion and write a response. Having to write responses to so many different questions has helped me to be open to whatever is next.
Throughout this entire semester I have been challenged to be a better writer and I think it has paid off. I don't like writing but I don't mind doing it. This has been a new experience for me in writing and I think it will prove to be a great benefit. I think everybody should try this way of writing just to get a feel for it. Thank You!
photo credit: Russ Watkins via photopin cc
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